Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sign Inventory, Post 10, Week 7

Novica Tadic


Disfigure me, Lord. Take pity on me.
Cover me with bumps. Reward me with boils.
In the fount of tears open a spring of pus mixed with blood.
Twist my mouth upside down. Give me a hump. Make me crooked.
Let moles burrow through my flesh. Let blood
circle my body. Let it be thus.
May all that breathes steal breath from me,
all that drinks quench its thirst in my cup.
Turn all vermin upon me.
Let my enemies gather around me
and rejoice, honoring You.

Disfigure me, Lord. Take pity on me.
Tie every guilt around my ankles.
Make me deaf with noise and delirium. Uphold me
above every tragedy.
Overpower me with dread and insomnia. Tear me up.
Open the seven seals, let out the seven beasts.
Let each one graze my monstrous brain.
Set upon me every evil, every suffering,
every misery. Every time you threaten,
point your finger at me. Thus, thus, my Lord.
let my enemies gather around me
and rejoice, honoring You.

Constantly addressing the Lord
Two stanzas
Both stanzas start and end with the same lines.
Enjambment starts halfway through the first stanza.
Constant vivid images of suffering
Consistently showing willingness to suffer in the name of the Lord.

Free Entry, Post 9, Week 7

Untitled (taking suggestions for this)
Casey LaRue

How long has he been
sitting parasitic
near your heart?
Months, or years even...
He has been growing inside you
like a repulsive fetus.
Out, damned knot! out I say!
Through the port
the constrictors sail,
binding and crushing
until the blades will dive in
your warm fleshy pool
to run out on a rail
the poisonous monster
who threatens you.
And he may one day
come for me,
but we will be ready.
My heart is too big
and my mind too sharp
to let him repeat
his Shermanic march.

Improv 2, Post 8, Week 7

Little Picture Catalogue
Novica Tadic


In a ghost town
dogs roam
among dead dogs


in a blind alley
a boy wheels the halo
of the holy mother


in someone's backyard
a crucified


from the pipe of a customer
in a whorehouse
a woman's black stocking
rises like smoke


in the anteroom
many shoes overcoats hats gloves
but the house empty
not one human face
     to be seen


unknown massive gray
objects above the
waters of salvation

Little Photo Album
Casey LaRue


In the evening streets
cats slink
among shrub shadows


behind the building
a man tosses the bag
of the flies' Santa


in someone's home
a television and


from the stacks of buildings
along the horizon
evaporated chemicals
rise like clouds


in the corridor
strewn shoes socks
shirts skirt
but the hall is empty
of bodies only voices
      to be heard


unknown tiny green
objects make way for
spears of enlightenment

Improv 1, Post 7, Week 7

*Note: This is a very loose improv. By that I mean I started with the first line and wrote and then used the last line of the first stanza to prompt an ending. That's pretty much it. Hope you like it anyway.

Novica Tadic

Disfigure me, Lord. Take pity on me.
Cover me with bumps. Reward me with boils.
In the fount of tears open a spring of pus mixed with blood.
Twist my mouth upside down. Give me a hump. Make me crooked.
Let moles burrow through my flesh. Let blood
circle my body. Let it be thus.
May all that breathes steal breath from me,
all that drinks quench its thirst in my cup.
Turn all vermin upon me.
Let my enemies gather around me
and rejoice, honoring You.

Disfigure me, Lord. Take pity on me.
Te every guilt around my ankles.
Make me deaf with noise and delirium. Uphold me
above every tragedy.
Overpower me with dread and insomnia. Tear me up.
Open the seven seals, let out the seven beasts.
Let each one graze my monstrous brain.
Set upon me every evil, every suffering,
every misery. Every time you threaten,
point your finger at me. Thus, thus, my Lord.
Let my enemies gather around me
and rejoice, honoring You.

Casey LaRue

I will break you, words. Parted at the seam
of my thoughts, I will cleave you
like Moses with the seas.
I will peek inside the letter bag and discriminate.
I will line you up. Rip one from the middle. Replace it with another
and change everything. I will not use the old, the tired, the sick,
the cliche. In Spanish, I am
la diosa de las palabras. Dos lenguas me tienen miedo.
Turn all eyes to my page.
Let my fellow speakers gather around me,
their tongues wagging with poetic praise
and phrase.

Peer Response 2, Post 6, Week 7

In response to Jenna's Free Write:

That's a great found line to work with! I'm going to have to read that book. I think you did a good job with the repetition here. Although you're repeating what you've already said, you always bring something new to the phrase, whether it's new combinations of words you've already used or introducing a new idea. Some things to think about: I can't believe you did a prose poem since I know you hate them, but I applaud the willingness to do it. In the first sentence, you use "I dreamed," but in the second sentence, when you start your improv, you used the word "dreamt." I would go ahead and make that one "dreamed" as well for continuity's sake. One phrase I'm not sure about is "I strummed my pocket watch." I'm not sure quite how this would work (because a flying foam stegosaurus is totally believable), and I'm also not sure how later the fireflies would do it. Now that I think about it, it's not that it doesn't happen, but that I don't know what you mean here well enough to picture it like I can a foam dinosaur. I hope that made sense. If not you can ask me in class and I'll try to explain better. Great work though!

Peer Response 1, Post 5, Week 7

In response to Kamau's Improv 2:

First of all, let me say this is a tough piece to improv off of. I'm trying it too and haven't come up with anything worth posting yet. I really like some of the phrases you create, like "Let your blood / fill my body." That was a really nice image. I know you're just playing around with different words, but you still need to be careful to stay away from cliches. Words like "tribulations" are exactly what someone would think of when they think of God trying them. Thank you, though, for not making it "trials and tribulations." That would have definitely been cliche. At the end, I don't think you need "yet" and "and still." Those mean the same thing, and it makes it a little redundant. Overall, I think you could work with some of the phrases in here as a jumping-off point, which is the point of the improv, so good work!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Junkyard Quote 4, Post 4, Week 7

"I won't judge. I'm the jury."

I'm not sure if I stole this quote or not. I think I heard it in a rap song, but I have no idea what song it was or who it was by. It was also really hard to understand the guy, so I don't know. If so, I like it.

Junkyard Quote 3, Post 3, Week 7

"You can have the goat, but you gotta take the gander."

This came out of my Creative Nonfiction writing group. One of the girls in my group grew up on a farm, and she was talking about when they accidentally acquired a mean-spirited goose.

Junkyard Quote 2, Post 2, Week 7

"I don't want garbage; I want sprinkles."

My friend and I got ice cream one day earlier this month and we were driving back with the windows down. We drove past a garbage truck, and my friend rolled up the window while she said that.

Junkyard Quote 1, Post 1, Week 7

"By 'round two' I mean 'square 1'."

I said this one night. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I think I messed something up and had to start over to fix it.